Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2

Alan is feeling pretty good right now (1:00 pm) after 2 vicodin. He is a little surprised he isn't getting better very fast. He is still unable to do much of anything without pain. I think it will just take time for all that blood to dissipate. He is still running a fever. It was up to 102.3 during the night and was at 101.6 before he took the vicodin. We called his doctor to see if we should be going back to the hospital. They said not unless the fever gets to 104 or higher. If that happens, we will go to Legacy Salmon Creek. I am optimistic that will not be necessary. Since he has a fever, we will see his doctor tomorrow rather than waiting until the end of the week.
We plan to ask him if we should consider getting the ultrasound endoscopy at the OHSU or UW med center. 

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