Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 14

Hallelujah! Alan feels significantly better today!

We finally got a call back from a GI doc yesterday and he said he felt the reason Alan is having so much stomach trouble is because the pool of blood in his peritoneal area is constricting his duodenum. (Yes, we really have a body part called a duodenum. It's at the bottom of the stomach leading into the small intestines.) He also said everybody dissipates blood at their own rate and it's not unusual for it to be taking this long. We both felt better just knowing this information. The doctor also said it could take up to 2 weeks for the increased dose of acid reflux medicine to take full effect. Alan also quit taking the iron pills yesterday.

Whatever the reason(s), he is feeling much better today and kept down last night's yogurt. Actually he can have another one now. It's been an hour since he took an acid reflux pill. I think we may have finally turned the corner on this thing! He feels good enough today that he said he might want to go with Patti and I to the movies this afternoon, even though we are planning to see a chick flick. Maybe he's delirious. Patti and I are going to see "Bridesmaid". I consider it research for Bryce and Jess' upcoming big event.

Thank you all for the concern you have shown for Alan. Your prayers, cards and messages have meant a lot to both of us.

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