Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28

Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. Alan actually seemed to feel a little better today, but his hemoglobin count was continuing to go down which indicated he still had a bleed going. The endoscopy did not reveal the cause of the problem nor did the vascular study, so a surgeon, Dr. Sunshine, came in tonight for a consultation. He does not want to rush into surgery. He wants Alan in ICU where he can be carefully monitored and just wait to see if the bleeding clears up. He may bring in a hematologist.  Unfortunately, it is much less comfortable for visitors in ICU. In fact, we are not allowed in from 6:30 to 8:00 (AM and PM) when there is a shift change, and technically only 2 visitors at a time can be in the room. ICU is on the 5th floor of the Firstenburg tower at SWWMC. It's still OK to visit, just not as easy.

The good news is that Alan is not critically ill or terribly uncomfortable. Therefore, the doctors have been trying to avoid rushing into any type of surgery. We both feel Alan is in good hands. The hospital personnel have all been very caring, thorough and responsive. 

Bryce and Jessica are on their way down tonight and my folks are back from Arizona, so that helps our spirits. We are very optimistic Alan will be well soon. We are feeling really blessed to have so many good friends. Thank you again for the visits, phone calls and prayers. 

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